Tired Of Fighting Over Stuff?

Are you constantly arguing with others about clutter? Learn how to get along AND get organized for good now!

Are you sick and tired of fighting with kids, parents, partners, roommates or colleagues over STUFF?!

Isn’t there some way the nagging, begging and yelling can stop and you can have some peace AND not be tripping over crap every day?

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone in the home or office knew where their OWN stuff was so they weren’t always asking YOU to find it for them?

If that sounds too good to be true, you won’t want to miss this class.

In just 90 minutes, you’ll get the strategy and tools you need to find common ground with the clutterbugs in YOUR life … even if that clutterbug is YOU.

You’ll get simple, practical tips you can instantly use to get everyone on board and working together … without anyone being “the bad guy!”

Woman sitting with hand on head after quarrel with boyfriend at home.

Few things are more upsetting than walking on eggshells at home or the office…

—and even as you’re fighting, you feel like crap and still it seems like you can’t help yourself.

You resent constantly picking up after everyone and being the target of everyone’s anger.

And it’s only STUFF for goodness’ sake—aren’t there more important things for you all to be doing?

So why is it that stuff ISN’T a problem until no one can find what they’re looking for … and then it’s, “HEY, has anyone seen my [fill in the blank]? I’ve looked everywhere?!

And you have to grit your teeth one more time and come to the rescue. So you’re either the monster that’s constantly after everyone to pick up after themselves or the martyr to the rescue when they need you.

No wonder there’s so much simmering just below the surface …

There is a better way but you never seem to find common ground …Add in Covid and being stuck at home and that just makes matters worse.

It’s no wonder your stress levels are through the ROOF and have been for months!

It doesn’t have to be this way!

You can figure out ways to share space and not be the angry cop or the doormat …

You can enjoy spending time with your colleagues and family.

And the best part is…

They can learn HOW to manage stuff without YOU being their teacher or boss!

You don’t expensive therapy or to break up to end the constant arguments and disagreements causing so much friction and hard feelings.

You don’t need to end each day embittered and frustrated.

Upset Couple Avoiding Eye Contact Sitting On Couch

You'll get a simple, easy-to-follow process that you can use instantly.

This isn't therapy ... it's simple conflict resolution and team building ... and not in some wonky, hokey way ...wouldn't that be helpful?!

portrait of busy businessman drinking coffee and sitting at workplace while colleagues helping with work in office

Live more harmoniously

Whether it’s you or someone you love or work with who is struggling with disorganization, you’ll find useful, practical tips and tools to live more harmoniously and still find anything you need in 30 seconds or less.

Learn practical ways to manage your stuff

You’ll learn simple, practical and sustainable ways to manage your stuff while growing closer together in your relationship.

Stressed couple conflict in conflict over stuff
portrait of busy businessman drinking coffee and sitting at workplace while colleagues helping with work in office

Enjoy more quality time together

There are simple ways to eliminate a key source of discord from your relationship AND suddenly have more time for all the things you both enjoy!

Here’s just some of what we’re going to cover:

How to resolve “stuff” conflicts at home and work without blame or shame
How being organized creates more time for intimacy
How to handle sentimental objects from past relationships and childhood
How to stop a fight about “stuff” before it begins while saving face
How to keep the focus on your life together rather than the clutter
How to motivate colleagues to tidy up instead of badgering them
How to support new habits and foster better choices without trying to win and so much more.
Register For The Class Now!

“Using his tools and suggestions, we emptied 11 storage containers—and we are still married AND still speaking! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Ginny Freeman

“Andrew’s remarkable organizational gifts, along with his sharp skills in diplomacy, completely reimagined our garage conversion and our relationship. We can’t thank him enough!”

Gary Henderson

Here's What You'll Get When You Sign Up:

HD recording of class taught by “The Most Organized Man in America”
The same relationship training Andrew’s taught at Omega Institute and NY Open Center
365 DAYS ACCESS to the video recording: over 90 minutes of in-depth training
BONUS Step-by-step “How to Resolve Stuff Conflicts” and “Stuff That Can Go Now” Guidebooks
BONUS recording of Q+A session directly after the training
Happy businesswoman enjoying a scheduled video call on her laptop, feeling organized and fully in control of her day.
Register For The Class Now!

"Andrew’s practical approach to stuff, disorganization, and relationships is creative, powerful, and extremely effective—it even makes the work easy and fun!"

Ilene Wolf
Middle aged couple embracing whilst smiling at the camera.

Grab access to
this recorded
class for just $97!

Register For The Class Now!