Avoid overspending on Black Friday

Does it seem like the holiday season starts earlier and earlier every year?
Are they really playing Christmas songs before Halloween again?
And some ‘Black Friday’ sales can last all month long, right!!
In our culture, too often the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ comes with overspending, clutter and even more stress—all affecting our serenity and well-being.
When it comes to money, most people think overspending means spending more money than you have.
But I’d like to update that definition. Even if you have money in the bank, spending money without knowing WHY you’re doing it or on things that you don’t need, qualifies as overspending, too.
Black Friday might seem like a good answer to overspending, right?
You can get the same merch that you think you need to buy at “amazing” prices. But are those prices really amazing?
In reality, Black Friday is an opportunity for retail stores to reduce prices on older merchandise to make room for newer products. Some stores even increase regular prices before the holidays, so shoppers believe they are getting a better deal (when the actual discount isn’t any less than the prices before they raised them!)
So before you camp out all night or fight through massive crowds to buy a toaster oven for $10 or a TV for $100, take the time to think about what you have—and consider carefully what you really need.
What is the real purpose of the holiday season?
Whether you observe a religion or not, the holy or holi-days at this time of year focus on qualities rather than quantities— gratitude, appreciation, and thoughtfulness.
And this may seem like a radical idea, but ask yourself: are tangible purchased gifts the best (or only) way to show your friends and family that you are grateful for them?
Here’s the truth—time is one of the most precious gifts you can give.
So dig a bit deeper, get creative and consider how else you can show someone that you care about them and are thinking of them!
Maybe that means making them a batch of cookies, sending them a home cooked meal or a handcrafted item. Or maybe that means writing a song for them, or taking time to create a special playlist.
Maybe you aren’t the creative type—but you can spend the day with people, doing things you know will matter to them.
The point here is to take a little time and consider all the ways you can show that person you care, instead of just swiping a credit card.
If it truly is the thought that counts, you’ve got to at least think that far!
To get the most from and give back this season, be mindful of money and stuff in the same ways that you’re mindful of time—and above all do everything with purpose, not just because.
Please join me in supporting Together We Can Change The World—we have a modest goal of raising $1,400 before the tour starts, and every dollar counts.
We appreciate you giving whatever you can—and would love for you to share this link on your social media, and with your friends and family, to help us spread the message!