How Core Values Affect Our Time

What do you think of when I say Core Values?
Many of us don’t make the connection between our Core Values and how we spend (or waste) our time.
For some of us, though, the stuff behind the clutter/time waste is a much larger challenge.
But there is GOOD NEWS:
When you deal with THAT stuff—the way you think about, feel about, and interact with stuff and time… Suddenly the way you deal with time and clutter management shifts.
It becomes YOU management because after all, it is the small steps you take that create the habits you need to build the life you want.
Your mindset is the most important key to long-term success.
Debunk the myths of busy with me.
You can have a more proactive and fulfilling life when you focus on what truly matters, and make the most of every moment.
Calling BS on Busy is a 2-part recorded Masterclass where I guide you towards a more productive and fulfilling life.
Don’t let later become never.
Here’s to more love and less stuff!