Find your joy and peace

Today you might be enjoying Thanksgiving leftovers or still visiting with your loved ones—making it a perfect time to sit back and reflect on this holiday season.
As we begin the roller coaster ride that is so often the end-of-the-year holidays… what do you need to be able to move past any of the demands, expectations, and anxiety you might be feeling?
That way, you can focus on gratitude and appreciation without all the stress, consumer-driven noise, the race for the perfect gift, or trying to outdo your neighbors with your decorating skills.
Make this the year you reverse any stressful habits—and enjoy the simple, essential things that make life special.
When decluttering the things that usually create holiday stress …
First—start with your MINDSET. Cultivate a mindset that you are not what you own… and know that stuff, at any price point, does not define you.
Your values and your relationships, the way you live your life, are what define you.
So, let go of any concept that says buying things will somehow make you better and practice expressing generosity and gratitude.
That one shift will save you money, heartache and allow you to relax and enjoy the holidays more.
Your next task is simple—RELAX & CHILL OUT.
As lovely as it would be to create a glamorous event with picture perfect and delicious food and Instagram-worthy decorations—the anxiety of chasing that degree of perfection will likely destroy any joy your efforts were trying to achieve.
Focus instead on only doing enough
to actually delight your friends and family without also stressing you out.
AND finally—learn that you can say NO. You don’t have to attend every holiday event.
In addition to saying no to the overscheduling of the holidays, prioritize the things that you can do and love to do.
This is one of the best ways to take care of yourself and minimize your stress.
By shifting your mindset, letting go of unreasonable expectations, and properly prioritizing obligations, you can immediately reclaim this—and every—holiday season.
You might already be thinking about the new year and your resolutions. We can help you start off on the right foot with the 5-Day De-Stress Your Mess Challenge for only $1. Register here.