Have a stress-free holiday season

In just two weeks, the holiday season kicks off in the United States with Thanksgiving. Even if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, you’ll be familiar with the day after it—the biggest shopping day of the year—Black Friday.
I want to share with you some tips to avoid overspending and overbuying on Black Friday … but I’ll leave that for next week.
For today, I want to give you a gift—the gift of an organized holiday.
Real organization that lasts isn't magic but it also isn’t rocket science. With a little planning, it is completely achievable.
So let’s get started now … so you can make meaningful memories with your loved ones this year without any hassle.
Here are 3 steps to help you make this holiday season more fulfilling and stress-free.
1. Make the plan.
Do you know what the antidote to anxiety is? It’s planning.
And if you’re not sure where or how to get started, just sit still for a few minutes and reflect on (or imagine) what you want this holiday season to look like—because it doesn’t have to be a frantic, stressful marathon … it could actually be fun and manageable with enough planning.
Start with the people: consider who will be visiting and when, and what you’ll need for them to feel comfortable.
Then focus on any meals and gatherings: what do you want to serve, how many people are coming, do you have enough chairs, dishes, seats at the table, etc.?
And then break down your tasks.
If you feel stuck, here are two tasks to get you started: create a “getting ready to-do” list AND a meal organizing list. For any dishes you will be making, you should also create a shopping list.
And here are two templates you can download to make this super easy:
Start to do the work incrementally, and start now—if you did just 15 minutes a day between now and the holiday, it would be breeze—instead of leaving it for “later” and ending up in a mad scramble as the holiday gets closer.
Prioritize each item on your to-do list so you adequately budget enough time.
Seriously, just set your timer and by working a few minutes each day, you can accomplish everything on your list and manage it more comfortably.
2. Delegate.
Starting with the templates above and for each of your tasks, think about what needs to be done and who is available to help you.
If it's cooking the day of, and people want to help, let them be the sous chefs; there is always plenty of chopping and prepping that needs to be done.
And if they want to bring a dish, please let them—as long as you know they are good cooks!
Young folks can help set the table and decorate, and let them know that the napkins don’t need to be perfectly folded—contributing is more important than perfection.
Give everyone an opportunity to participate by using the list of tasks and chores above, and either let people choose how they’ll contribute or assign them specific tasks.
Either way, people of all skill levels can do what they can to help, and you can relax and supervise.
I promise you will be less stressed out—and even pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
3. Get organized.
What can you do now as you’re setting up that’ll ALSO prepare you for next time?
Using the steps of my Organizational Triangle®, put like objects with like objects, and give everything one home. This strategy allows you to find anything in 30 seconds or less.
Gather all your seasonal decorations in the same area and label each container, so Halloween decorations are stored with other Halloween items and not mixed in with the Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas decorations.
Above all, don’t lose sight of what this season is about. Regardless of what—if any—holidays you celebrate, spending time with those you care about and enjoying stress-free celebrations should be the focus.
In two months, people won't remember much about what dinner they had, or how the room was decorated. They’ll remember how they felt.
I want for you to have a peaceful, happy, and calm holiday—and to be able to share it with friends and family.
Here’s to more love and less stuff!
Andrew and the Unstuff Team
P.S. Give yourself a relaxed, more meaningful season with these steps. Then, make sure to read next week’s email on avoiding the clutter—and cost—of buying too much during Black Friday sales!
Before you know it, the holidays will be over and the New Year will be here—and you can start 2023 off clutter-free! Registration is open for the next De-Stress Your Mess Challenge! from Monday, January 9, 2023 through January 13, 2023. Don’t miss out… join us today!