I’ll give you an extra hour this week.

I can give you an extra hour this week… but you have to do one thing: Face the 8 Deadly Time Thieves™ and figure out which one is your biggest nemesis.
Just like the Deadly Sins, any one of these thieves allowed to run rampant will make you miserable and eventually kill your happiness and productivity.

Do one of these time thieves jump right out at you as your biggest enemy?
If you’re like 99% of us, one of these stung a little more than the others when you read it.
Now, what to do with that? These next few weeks we are focusing on time—what to do to maximize yours while still enjoying every moment.
No pun intended, now is a great time of year to dive into finding more time. It’s September … and the days are getting a bit shorter here in North America. Then suddenly it’s Thanksgiving and boom, the year is over.
And all you folks down under, you get the chance to take advantage of summer with even MORE free time!
Of course, just like with clutter, this is not really about managing your TIME—it’s all about managing how you think, feel and interact with time.
I promise you will find an hour simply by addressing any of these 8 Time Thieves—and if you take on 3 or more … wow, you won’t believe how much time you can free up.
If you’re tired of being “busy”, let me teach you how to take back control of your day, and your life.
Here’s to more love, less stuff and more time!