Delegate that looming holiday list—before you become a Grinch!

Do you ever feel like you have to be a superhero to get everything done for the holidays?
Trying to do it all is sure way to lose the spirit of the season … and start feeling more like the Grinch, right?!
Each day that goes by, the multitude of tasks you need to check off your list seems to get longer, not shorter … and you end up making yourself—and everyone around you—stressed out and overwhelmed. Yuck!
It doesn’t have to be like this!
In order to change, however, you need to be realistic about what actually needs to happen for the holidays AND what doesn’t need to happen at all.
And, while you’re being realistic, you will feel so much better and less stressed when you get clear about how much time you actually have.
You may feel a little sad that you can’t do everything all at once but once you accept that, all that weight is going to slide right off your shoulders!
Remember, Martha Stewart has paid help, and those TikTok videos are edited :)
How much time you and everyone around you has can be strategically managed so that holiday prepping doesn’t feel like bootcamp.
I’m here to help you figure out what you need to do and what you can delegate so you don’t get too overwhelmed.
And my best advice to you is to be kind to yourself and ask for help—there’s no shame in admitting you need a hand.
Start by separating your holiday to-do list into three parts:
The Do’s —These are tasks that you plan on taking on yourself because you enjoy them or know that you are the best person for the job—meaning you can do them well and quickly.
The Delegates —This is the list of tasks that you can delegate to someone else—whether that’s a spouse, partner, child, friend, or other family member, or even temporary helpers like a Task Rabbit or other freelancer. They need to be done but do NOT have to be done by you.
The Do-Not’s—These are the tasks that YOU do not have time for, can not delegate, and can just let go of. They would be great to do if you had all the time in the world but you don’t. AND no one is going to miss them …
All the things that you have a story about—you know, the things only YOU see that you think make the holidays special but no one else notices or even cares about. It’s ok to let them go.
And just imagine that sigh of relief you’ll take as you cross each one off your list that didn’t need to happen at all!
By following this simple structure, you’ll be able to stop trying to do it all and actually manage your time so much better and easier.
And you get to enjoy all those task you ARE doing as you’re doing them … instead of rushing through them worrying about what you have to do next.
Managing your time wisely is definitely a form of self-care.
Remember that it is ok to say “No” and that saying “No” is a complete sentence— so that WHEN you say “Yes” you mean it and whatever you’re saying yes to can bring you joy and satisfaction.
Let this year be the year that you start a NEW tradition—of having sane and manageable and enjoyable holidays with your family where the only thing you have to ask yourself is, “Did everyone have a good time including me?!”
That way everyone gets the holiday they want and together you’ve created a loving memorable and joyous occasion.
It’s almost time to start making your New Year’s resolutions… if you want this to be the year you finally get free of clutter, we are here to help! Join us for the De-Stress Your Mess Challenge! Starting January 9, 2023, you’ll get five days of LIVE advice from Andrew with easy-to-follow instructions for all the major clutter hotspots. Don’t miss out… register today!