Slow doesn’t mean stopped …

Here's what you should do if you want to get yourself organized and stay that way.
Probably the worst place to be when you’re disorganized is WANTING something to change and NOT knowing HOW to change it or WHAT to do first, right?
When you’re stuck in that place, you can certainly take an action but/and that action is usually going to be a band-aid type of action.
Like clearing off your countertops and other surfaces.
Or taking out the trash and the recycling.
Or wiping down the fridge and your sink.
All valuable tasks as stand-alone tasks.
But none of those by themselves will get you to a sustainable place of organization.
That requires a mindset shift.
Because when you’re stuck and feeling desperate, you’re very vulnerable to negative conversations with yourself.
It’s very easy when you’re feeling overwhelmed to tell yourself that you will ALWAYS be overwhelmed.
That the situation is hopeless.
And it’s not a far leap from the situation being hopeless to YOU being hopeless, right?
So, you’re going to need to get real with your thinking, and then with your feelings so when you take those random actions to get yourself moving in ANY direction, that you can maximize that effort and start to build momentum.
Of course, STAYING in motion is easier that GETTING INTO motion so keep that in mind when you do get up to do something. See how long you can STAY in motion before the “stinking thinking” creeps back in.
And if you can spot it quickly enough, you can then neutralize it that much faster as well.
The bottom line is that this is ALL a process.
It isn’t a puzzle or a problem you will solve once.
You may always be susceptible to a stream of negative thoughts when you are not in a peak state … and frankly, something negative might sneak in even then.
Stay focused on what you want to achieve and let your feelings AND your thoughts rise and fall without grabbing onto any of them and see how that helps you move forward.

Do you have a project you’ve been putting off? What about those mental and emotional blocks that have held you back ... possibly for years—ready to say goodbye to them?! Register for Your Next Big Thing® and you just may set yourself free from limiting beliefs AND get started on those “someday” projects!