Tame the closet monster!

February 20, 2023

When you open your closet door… what do you see? 

That favorite outfit you love and feel great in, ready and waiting for you? 

Or—do you see a jumble of cluttered shirts and pants that don’t even fit right… a tangle of hangers… and only one of the shoes you need? 

Many people don’t set up their spaces to support HOW they actually live and function. 

If your closet isn’t serving you, I have good news—decluttering your clothes is one of the easiest first steps to getting organized! 

Clothes generally don’t come with too many emotional attachments, and because your closet is an enclosed space, it’s basically a self-contained decluttering project!

Get started today with these 3 closet conquering tips…

#1: Edit your wardrobe:

More isn’t better—professional organizers know that about 20% of the clothes in your closet get worn 80% of the time. 

The clothes you don’t wear are just taking up space and crowding out the clothes you want to wear. Decide what you wear most, least, and not at all. 

And then, instead of focusing on what you’re letting go of, focus on what you’re getting—more space for the items you love to wear. That will make releasing those old clothes much easier. And you can celebrate them finding new homes as they are been sold or donated or given away ...

#2: Use zones! 

Once you’ve edited your closet, it’s time to organize all your favorites by using zones. This is a key point in my Organizational Triangle(R): “like with like.” 

Hang clothes by type and color: so group shirts by sleeve length and color, and the same goes for shorts, skirts, pants and jackets. 

This makes getting dressed incredibly easy, as you can pick what you need based on the weather and the occasion. No more scrambling at the last minute trying to find that black pair of slacks you need for work!

#3: Maximize your space:

Make sure you’re using your closet space wisely—use lower rods for shorter garments, and don’t be afraid to use vertical space. 

Step stools can be used effectively to reach higher shelves (where you can store infrequently used items or accessories), giving you more space and allowing you to keep these items accessible. 

Continue to keep “like with like”, and group all of your bulky items together, such as sweaters, and think of where you can easily store all of your belts and scarves so they aren’t mixed in with everything else.

Reorganizing your closet does not have to be a big deal—with these tips you can easily organize your clothes and make getting ready in the mornings a little smoother.

Here’s to more love and less stuff,


P.S.  If you prefer listening to (or watching) these tips on organizing clothes, you can catch my recent video on Instagram or TikTok. 

(insert clickable images of videos) 

Ready to get help organizing your closet (plus all of your other clutter hotspots?) Register for the next LIVE De-Stress Your Mess Challenge! We start on March 20th, 2023, and for 5 days you’ll be with me and my team live (and 3000 other folks!) as I share all of my best tips on decluttering and organizing—along with exclusive bonuses!  

Save your spot today by clicking here.

Declutter Your Life Podcast by Andrew Mellen. Available on iTunes!